Monday, January 10, 2011

Difference between Guatemala and Inner Mongolia China

So here is E after about 30 minutes or so of playing outside in cold and "sledding" on the ice:

And here is F after nearly 2 hours I think with no intentions of going anywhere near the inside of a house:

These images contrast pretty nicely the variation in our 2 youngest. E turns 6 next month and F turned 4 on Saturday but both weigh nearly the same. Needless to say E is built like a popsicle stick and gets cold when he feels the movement of air from a ceiling fan, just like his mother, uggh!

It's been a fun day with basically everything closed in Birmingham but ok enough for us to get out and enjoy the snow/ice with some of the neighborhood kids and parents. Melissa said it felt like a holiday without all of the obligations and to do's on a holiday!

And no, Melissa is not in any of these pics as she was with everyone in spirit by the indoor fire. Truth be told, I believe some of these are single moms with big hearts making great memories for their kids.

They were all enamored with F and helped him roast who knows how many marsh mellows, no wonder he kept saying he didn't want to go in for lunch!

Redneck sledding!
Future Olympic luger?

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